Togolais viens, bâtissons la cité
Lettre d'introduction
Statutes (English)
Statuts (French)
Règlement Intérieur
Bureau Exécutif (Executive Board)
Fiche d’adhésion


Le Samedi 12 Mai 2012 à 10:00h

  du matin au 3333 North 4th Street Minneapolis, MN 55412



We of the nation of Togo in Minnesota
Place ourselves in God's care.

Knowing that since its creation The Association des togolais au Minnesota, our association has gone through a considerable organizational development.
Aware of the solidarity that ties us to the Togolese community and, most especially, to the peoples of Africa.

Resolved to build a legitimate association, in which the rights and obligations of the members must be warranted and protected.

Convinced that such an association can only be founded on the principles of respect, democracy and the protection of the same as defined by the charter of Free Association, of the Open Declaration of the Right of Association.

Solemnly proclaim our firm desire to fight against any idea based on sabotage, destruction and injustice.

Affirm our determination to cooperate in openness, friendship and solidarity with all world associations avowed to the ideals of progress.

Resolutely commit ourselves to the causes of unity, mutual support and truth throughout the ATM and to work toward the realization of its principles and aspirations.

Solemnly adopt and support the present Constitution as the fundamental ruling document of the ATM.

Article 1: Association Name

The name of the Association shall be the ?????????????????????????.

Article 2: Goals and Purpose

The goal of our Association, based in Minnesota, is to gather together all Togolese people, friends and supporters living in the United States, with a view to promoting understanding and mutual support, without distinction to ethnic origin or religious, social or political orientation.

Section 2.1: Understanding

The Togolese people of Minnesota must feel as the children of the same mother, Togo.

To that end the virtues of clemency, understanding and of mutual respect must be cultivated at the heart of the whole family. All prejudice must be rejected.

With a view to attaining this goal, visits, telephone calls, celebrations and events, such as birthdays, picnics, group outings, etc., are recommended.

Conflicts between Togolese people must be resolved by any peaceful means necessary.

Section 2.2: Solidarity and Mutual Support

Given our status as foreigners, we must help each other on the moral, financial, academic and every other possible level.

On the level of moral, events such as deaths, health problems, marriages and births must call everyone to action.

Financial contributions may come in two forms: individually and/or as a group.

On the academic level, exchanges of knowledge and information must take place between members developing in the same areas of study.

Mutual aid can also come in the form of help to new arrivals with their integration into American society.

Section 2.3: The Spirit of Nationalism

Nationalism must be understood as love of country. In this sense the implementation of every idea necessary for attaining the objectives of unity, brotherhood, and prosperity must be recognized.

The fact of being in a foreign country must never create an obstacle to the manifestation of this love. The exchange of ideas, information and appropriate action approved by the General Assembly shall contribute to the development of this intent.

Article 3: Member Rights and Responsibilities

Section 3.1: Members

Paragraph 3.1.1: Regular Members

Any person Togolese by birth, marriage, naturalization or descent is eligible for membership in the Association.

Paragraph 3.1.2: Affiliated Members

This category includes anyone who intends to help (or to join) in the accomplishment of the goals and objectives of the Association.

Paragraph 3.1.3: Honorary Members

Any individual or group not included in either Paragraph 1 or 2, but which contributes to a significant degree to the accomplishment of the Association's objectives, the same being nominated and elected by the General Assembly. Anyone who intends to become a member must complete the membership form and pay the dues specified in the rules of procedure. Every request must be approved by the Administrative Committee, which will be elected by the General Assembly.

Section 3.2.1: Rights

  • All members will be accorded the same rights, without distinction to race, ethnicity, religion or gender.
  • Only regular members will have the right to vote.
  • All regular members are eligible to apply for an office.
  • Affiliated members may serve on committees.
  • All complaints or motions must be addressed to the Executive Committee.

Section 3.2.2: Responsibilities

  • In order to maintain the right to vote, as well as other privileges, every member must pay his/her membership dues.
  • All members will be subject to the rules imposed by the present text.
  • Members will be responsible for taking part in meetings, with a view to assuring their full participation in the Association.
  • No one may use the Association's name for personal pursuits.

Article 4: Organization and Executive Offices

This article encompasses the execution of defined goals.

Section 4.1: Organization

The structure of the organization is designed to promote active member involvement and participation in the execution of the Association's activities. The Association is composed of:
  • The General Assembly
  • The Executive Officers
  • The Committees
  • The Counselors
  • The Auditor
  • The Ad Hoc Committees

Paragraph 4.1.1: The General Assembly

The General Assembly will be composed of active members, subject to the rights and restrictions outlined in Article 3. It is the highest committee for decision and the pursuit of the goals and objectives of the Association, by means of deliberation and vote.

Paragraph 4.1.2: The Executive Officers

The Association is directed by the Executive Officers, which are:
  • One (1) President
  • One (1) Secretary
  • One (1) Assistant to the Secretary
  • Two (2) Treasurers

The President will direct the Executive Officers of the Association.
The responsibilities of the Executive Officers are:
  • Representing the Association in its administrative, monetary, financial, and other
  • Functions, as well as in matters of cultural relations
  • Offering rules of procedure for adoption by the Association
  • Coordinating committee activities
  • Defining priorities and making important decisions on behalf of the Association
  • Directing meetings
  • Creating ad hoc committees
  • Taking appropriate disciplinary action with respect to any member guilty of
  • Misconduct or any act prejudicial to the objectives of the Association

Paragraph 4.1.3: The Committees

The functions and activities of the Association will be carried out by four committees, namely:
  • The Administrative Committee
  • The Social Activities, Aid and External Affairs Committee
  • The Education Committee
  • The Finance Committee

The Administrative Committee

The Administrative Committee is the principle agency of the Association's communication and coordination. The President of this committee (The Administrative President) will serve as the Association's Secretary. This committee is responsible for:
  • Information
  • The keeping of records
  • Managing the activities of the Executive Officers (administrative functions, equipment)
  • The development of relations with other associations and organizations, both
  • Governmental and non governmental
  • The collection and evaluation of membership applications.

The Social Activities, Aid and External Affairs Committee

This committee's responsibilities include:
  • The organization of social activities, such as defined in Article 2. These activities will revolve around the yearly events
  • The organization of activities and demonstrations aimed at helping Togo, in the economic, sanitary and educational spheres, among others.

The Education Committee

The Education Committee's responsibilities include:
  • Assisting members in the spheres of education, employment and the location of opportunities in various domains
  • Organizing seminars and workshops for educating members in the American system: insurance, banking, politics, etc.
  • Promoting Togolese and African culture: history, music, dance, customs, languages, etc.

The Financial Committee

The Financial Committee's responsibilities include:
  • The management of the Association's funds and financial obligations.
  • The development of a yearly budget, with respect to the Association's activities and projects.
  • The disbursement of funds to support the Association's activities and projects, including expenses incurred by the Association.

Paragraph 4.1.4: Counselors

The Counselors are mainly those who are or who can be qualified as honorary members, as defined in Article 3. Their role is to counsel the Executive Committee and to settle conflicts between the Executive Officers and the General Assembly.

The ATM will have two types of counselors: three (3) African and four (4) Non African. In addition to their role as mediators in conflicts between the Executive Officers and the General Assembly, the three (3) African counselors will be responsible for actively co¬-counseling the Association with the four (4) non Africans.

The Counselors will be elected by the General Assembly for one (1) year, renewable at term.

The Counselors will not be empowered to impose or execute decisions on the Association's behalf.

Paragraph 4.1.5: The Auditor

The auditor is an independent commission, elected by the General Assembly for a year term. The role of the Auditor is:
  • The presentation of periodical reports to the Executive officers
  • The analysis of financial transactions, in order to verify their accuracy, validity and authority
  • Undertaking the periodical audit of the Association's activities and projects, in order to determine if they are true to the goals and objectives stipulated in Article 2
  • Giving recommendations concerning procedure and proof systems, with a view to assuring sound management of the Association's funds.

Paragraph 4.1.6: Ad Hoc Committees

The Executive Officers may nominate ad hoc committees charged with specific tasks, as the need may arise.

Section 4.2: Election and Term in Office of the Executive Officers

The five (5) Executive Officers will be elected for a term of one (1) year (or six months), renewable for three (3) consecutive terms, except in case of dismissal or impeachment. Any member having served three (3) consecutive terms may not apply to an Executive position for one year after their last term.

The general elections will take place once each year (in October) with a view to choosing the new members of the Executive Committee.

For every election to an office a quorum of 30% of the regular members is required. Any position will be confirmed by an absolute majority.

A special election will be held in 30 days, in order to fill any vacant offices (with the exception of the President). In the case of a vacancy in the office of President, the Secretary will be charged with serving as Interim President, for the remaining portion of the term.

Section 4.3: Election of Committees

Each committee will be composed of 2 to 4 members. These members will serve for one year and will be elected in one of the following ways:

  • As a volunteer through nomination and vote.

No member may serve in more than one committee at a time, except in extenuating circumstances.

Article 5: Finances

Section 5.1: Sources of Funding

All funds for the normal functioning of the Association will be acquired from sources compatible with the Association's non profit character, such as:

  • Membership dues ($20.00) for each member at least 18 years old
  • Annual contributions (an amount calculated as a function of projected budgetary expenditures)
  • Gifts from the State of Minnesota and other private sponsors
  • ATM fund drives
  • Interests generated by savings accounts and other investments.

Section 5.2: Dues and Payment Scheme

Paragraph 5.2.2: Dues

Each regular member is required to pay his/her dues either monthly or annually, as adopted by the General Assembly. The amount of dues is defined in the present text.

Paragraph 5.2.2: Payment Scheme

Each member may choose among the following options:

  • Monthly payment: $5.00 quarterly payment: $15.00 yearly payment: $60.00.

Dues must be paid at the beginning of the chosen period.

Each new member will be expected to pay the total amount for the remaining portion of the current year.

Section 5.3: Disbursements

Association funds must be deposited in a bank account and used for activities and events approved by the General Assembly. For instance:

  • Social events
  • Purchase of office equipment
  • Rental of audio visual equipment, post office box, office, etc.
  • Savings and investments.

In the case of unforeseen events and emergencies the Executive Officers may, if possible, convene a Special General Assembly for deciding upon the disbursement of the necessary funds (see below).

Article 6: Meetings

Section 6.1: The General Assembly

The General Assembly will take place on the first Saturday of every other month at 10:00 AM, lasting 2 hours, with a 10 minute break.

The presence of 30% of the regular membership will constitute the quorum required for a General Assembly.

The Executive Officers must call the General Assembly and furnish the agenda in advance.

Appropriate order and discipline must be observed at all times in meetings of the General Assembly.

Section 6.2: The Special General Assembly

The Executive Officers may convene a Special General Assembly in cases of crisis or emergency.

Article 7: Amendments

Any amendment to the present Constitution requires a majority vote by 2/3 of the membership of the General Assembly.